12 July 2012

PANO Poll of New Orleans Police Officers

Today Dr. Peter Scharf of Tulane University, in conjunction with the Police Association of New Orleans released the results of a poll of members of the New Orleans Police Department. This poll questioned officers about their feelings about working conditions, their feelings for their supervisors, new initiatives implemented by Supt. Serpas, etc.

Before Supt. Serpas had the opportunity to review the complete results, he issued a statement saying that the poll by PANO was "predictably negative". Instead of the chief making positive comments about how he plans to use the results of the poll to make things better for his officers, he took to the defensive, as usual.

If over 400 officers were brave enough to complete the survey, I'd venture to say they are supported by the majority of their brethren that failed to complete the survey, for whatever reason.

Again, Supt. Serpas is failing to take a prime opportunity to boost the morale of his subordinates. Instead, he is stuck on stupid. Just because you believe everything is okay in the department, doesn't mean it's true Chief. Get off your high horse and recognize that other people have the ability to prepare statistics and analyze data. You aren't the only person that has a terminal degree (i.e. PhD, EdD, etc.), and as a matter of fact, the other people earned their degrees, what about you? Learn to accept criticism from other sources and stop believing your own sanctimonious press!!

Just my $.02

1 comment:

  1. Seems as if Chief Surpas is only concerned with his ego. But a check of the record revealed that when he first took office he made it very clear that he did not value any officers opinions because he was not a policemans Cheif which meant " If it came down to the citizen or the police the citizen wins every time" Now do you expect police officers to trust or follow that guy? I think not and it is evident by the results of the survey. Surpas could never bring the NOPD back to luster because he has lost his troops the people who make him look good. So I agree with "Doctor" Sharpe. He has always been honest with people and he has nothing to gain by producing a bogus survey. So Ronal just make it to your pension date then ride out in the sunset cause that will be the only accomplishment you will have made in New Orleans your undeserved pension!
