15 January 2012

In re: Mayor & Police Chief's Press Conference

In the press conference by Mayor Landrieu and Supt. Serpas, the Mayor spent entirely too long trying to correct a question asked by one of the journalists. The question was something like, "Chief Serpas, do we have enough officers with the NOPD to address the crime issues.". The Mayor chose to respond by chastising the journalist about getting his facts straight.

News Flash Mr. Mayor, nobody cares about the number of officers per capita. The truth is, we have less officers patrolling the streets of New Orleans than we've ever had. Before you say we have less citizens, I disagree with that as well. In post-Katrina New Orleans, we have more undocumented illegal aliens here than ever. Without 100% proof, I would venture to say that our population is probably equal to or just shy of our population pre-Katrina. Thus, we need more officers.

Let's cut some of those B.S. high-ranking administration officials and hire more foot soldiers!

Just my $.02!


  1. Yes! I totally agree with this. We have undocumented citizens along with documented citizens that we may have more than or equal the citizens Pre Katrina. As I stated in one of my other responses, the citizens aren't aware that at any given day they can have 3 units patrolling their area. Would I feel safe with 3 units working the 7th? Heck no! I'm not sure where the numbers are exactly with the agency, but I know it's not enough to combat the crime issue in New Orleans. I don't know who Serpas and Landreau think their fooling with their "ring around the rosie" responses, but the answer to that news reporter should have been "no" flat out. Be real with the citizens. Don't make them think they are being patrolled by x amount of officers when they're not.

    1. Anonymous, I would even say that we have more people getting public assistance that flat out lied to the Census representatives. They know they can't tell the people that 7 people are living in what's supposed to be a 3 person household. They've played the game far too long to get caught like that.

      Prime example of your scenario is one night there were only 4 units working in the entire 7th District, and that included the platoon Lt. They were working an armed robbery, business burglary, and a carjacking at the same time. While working all of that, a shooting came out and the Lt. was forced to respond with no backup!!!

      The Cheif and Mayor need to stop the shenanigans and step up their game. It's time for a police chief who isn't afraid of losing his $160k/yr salary and has the cohunas to tell the Mayor to let him run his department without undue interference.
