06 March 2012

Community United for Change (What a Joke)

Below is a press release written by Community United for Change. Please take the time to read below.

"WC Johnson of Community United for Change just sent out the following press release announcing a town hall meeting tonight about last week's shooting, which left Justin Sipp dead and Officers Anthony Mayfield and Michael Asevedo seriously injured. Last week, a lawyer for Officer Jason Giroir, who initiated the stop that led to the shooting, said Giroir did nothing wrong and welcomed any investigation to prove it. Johnson, and others, however, remain unconvinced. Johnson calls the circumstances described by police "questionable at best"; Sipp's brother Larry Champ has also publicly questioned the account; and local NAACP chapter president Danatus King has called for a federal investigation into the incident.

Community United for Change
1647 Gentilly Boulevard
New Orleans, La. 70119
e-mail cuc.nola@yahoo.com

On Thursday March 1, two black men were shot down by the NOPD. It is of the greatest importance that the Black Community refuses to accept this behavior by the NOPD. The circumstances surrounding this shooting are questionable at best, and it is the duty of the Black Community to get answers as to how and why NOPD leadership continues to allow this type of behaviors to exist.

Community United for Change (CUC) has invited the family of deceased Justin Sipp and his brother, Earl Sipp, to meet with Commander Westbrook of Public Integrity Bureau, and Susan Hutson, the Independent Police Monitor, for answers to what happened that caused their loved ones death and serious injuries. The US Justice Department has also been invited to observe these proceeding.

Note: Hutson tells Gambit she will not be attending the meeting. NOPD officials have not yet responded to an inquiry as to whether Westbrook will be there.

CUC encourages the Black Community to rally in support of the Sipp family to ensure a fair investigation and to develop measures to keep these behaviors from happening to other loved ones of the Black Community. Your support and presence is vital to demand justice in this case. Don’t let this NOPD shooting get ignored like the Adolph Grimes III murder in 2009. There are too many Black Folks being murdered and brutalized by the NOPD.

Justice for the Sipp Family!

Stop the Murder and Police Brutality of Black People

*Stop Racism Now *

Emergency Town Hall Meeting
St. James AME Church Meeting Hall
221 N Derbigny Street (next door to Two Sister’s Kitchen)
Monday March 5th 6:30 PM
Come One Come All ~ You Could Be Next"

So after reading the press release, it has been confirmed for me why there are so many "good boys" and "college-bound" heroes being killed everyday. It's because of spineless, gutless, self-centered individuals like WC Johnson of Community United for Change. As long as we have people like this that support idiots that do dumb shit, they will continue to do dumb shit. While I'm not saying that the members in the law enforcement community are Saints, who would really shoot themselves in order to kill a "college-bound" young black male. This same black male just happens to be a felon, who's in possession of a firearm, by his own brother's account of the incident.

This incident was a perfect opportunity for the citizens in this screwed up city to support the men and women who put their lives on the line everyday, instead they support the thugs who have been plaguing the city for years. This was a great opportunity for the NOPD Brass to attempt to salvage morale by supporting their officers. Instead, as always, the community questions the police and calls for a federal investigation and the NOPD administration Monday-Morning Quarterbacks about the officers not wearing bullet-proof vests.

Great job on the part of the community and the Brass...You've managed to drive morale to a new low in the department. Ask yourself why an officer would want to come to work everyday of the week, only to have their integrity questioned by the community and to be constantly demoralized by the people they work for. To my fellow LEO's, keep your head up. One of these days the community and the Brass will take their heads out of their asses!!!

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